Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Economics in one lesson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Economics in one lesson - Essay Example He argues that, the art of economics involves analyzing primary and secondary effects these policies to all groups. The book discusses in details several fallacies such as high taxes, evils that take place in the public projects, minimum wage rate, effects of bailout, price control, tariffs on imports, rent control, trade union activities, regulations and economic effects of government actions. Parity pricing, disbanding a large number of troops, commodity stabilization and inflation are fallacies that are not given much weight but are included in this book. Hazlitt does not object public program spending but rejects the use of public projects as a plan of injecting money into the economy. He argues that public projects should be justified based on their importance to the economy. Money outsourced from the private sector by the government in the form of taxes is used to fund public projects. Using the bridge example, Hazlitt argues that creating a job in the public sector kills another job in the private sector. In such projects there are things which are not permitted to come into existence. In paragraph 3 of this book, Hazlitt argues that, the secondary effect on public projects is in the form of how money used to fund these projects is diverted to other areas. Unfortunately, such news most likely will not be reported on considering the kind of news that are being aired nowadays. Government never does as well in making loans as the private sector does. This is because people tend to be more careful with their own money (Hazlitt. Para8). Unfortunately, most of the time this fact is always hidden because bad loans made by the government are hidden in most federal spending. On the other hand, when banks collapse due to bad loans, it is announced all over the news. Political considerations further hide the bad loans as a result of government lending. This

Monday, October 28, 2019

Communications in Society Essay Example for Free

Communications in Society Essay MGMT 351 Exam 1 Directions: Respond to five of the following questions. Responding to more than five will not earn extra credit. If you decide not to follow this direction, the five lowest scoring answers will constitute the grade for this test. There are some important considerations for successful completion of the text: 1. Accurate information is important, and it must directly address the question. 2. Use all terms appropriately. 3. Several questions have more than one part. Complete and accurate answers will earn maximum credit. Make sure that all of the requested information is provided. 4. Each complete and accurate answer is worth 20% of the grade for this exam. 5. Assignments are automatically sent through Turnitin to check for appropriate use of material (e.g. paraphrasing, citations). Make sure that your work follows all the guidelines for academic honesty. 6. Use the numbers as here listed. Do not renumber. 7. Watch the deadline. Late exams will not receive credit. 8. Answers must reflect college level writing skills, i.e. clear sentence construction and correct spelling, grammar and use of punctuation. Deductions from the test score will be made for failure to meet this standard. 9. If anything is unclear, ask rather than assume it doesn’t make a difference. To complete this exam, follow these steps: 1. Download this exam and save it as a MSWord document. 2. Read through all the questions and choose those you will attempt to answer. 3. Provide complete and accurate answers to those five questions. 4. Save. 5. Post your saved response to the exam under the Assignment by the deadline for this assignment. Questions: 1. Effective organizational communication is truly an interactive process. The people taking part in the communication exchange must listen carefully and respond accurately to the other interactants. There are ten elements that contribute to interactive communication (see Figure 1.2 on page 5 of your text). Using an example from your own experience, identify how these ten elements impacted the communication process, making sure to accurately label all ten. 2. Organizational philosophy has significant influence on management practice and communication in an organization. Briefly distinguish between classical, humanistic and systems theories. Now describe possible impact of each of these perspectives on the writing of job descriptions. Be specific. 3. Strategic communication relies on effective tactics in four areas. Name them and define them. Now consider this situation and apply what you know about these four areas to this situation: Next week, Clark will be giving a very important budget proposal presentation. This could be a boost to his career, or a bust. If he hopes to have his proposal accepted, he needs to be strategic in the plan and delivery for this presentation. How should he use the four areas of strategic communication to accomplish his goals? 4. What is communication anxiety, what role does it play in communication, and what are the causes? Choose five of these causes and offer suggestions for effectively managing anxiety resulting from each of these causes. 5. What is organizational culture and how does it determine standards for communication, both internally and externally? Next, as an advisor to someone considering joining an organization, direct your advisee to some avenues to explore to discover what is the culture of an organization in order to determine if this is the right organization for your advisee to join. Lastly, how important is cultural match? 6. The American culture is certainly not uniform. There are considerable differences in how members view the world (e.g. values, beliefs, opinions, etc.). Not using national origin/heritage (e.g. Italian-American), choose three subcultures present in the American workforce and explain how the values and beliefs of each subcultures impact how those employees behave at work. 7. Communication competence is based on interactive listening. Questioning techniques improve listening by making the speaker more efficient, and they facilitate goal accomplishment. Imagine that you are a manager who has been approached by a subordinate who manages others, i.e. you are the manager’s manager. One of the manager’s subordinates, who up until recently has been a good performer, has been making significant mistakes lately. Using all of the five types of questions, help the manager design his/her own set of questions to get to the issues behind this dwindling performance. Make sure to accurately label each type of question used. Lastly, explain how this strategy is likely to help the manager correctly identify the performance issues involved. 8. Name and define each of the three D’s. Then list two consequences and two strategies for overcoming each of these problems. 9. Put yourself in a work environment. List all, naming at least five, of the nonverbal messages you notice, making sure to accurately label each. Now summarize the impact of this combination of nonverbal messages on the people working there. Is it a positive impact? Lastly, if you could change any of these messages by instituting a new personnel policy, what would you do and what would the policy look like? 10. Does gender make a difference in how employees communicate in the workplace? Using specific examples, support your conclusion. Now think of a time when communication was effective during communication involving coworkers of the opposite sex. Lastly, describe a time when communication between members of both sexes was not effective. What could have been done differently? Be specific. 11. Leaders step up when needed. Will you recognize when you should rise to a leadership position? First, write down the names of leaders (at least 3) that you admire or seek to emulate. Explain what you find admirable in their leadership styles. Now, choose at least one, of these leaders and note a situation in which he or she acted as a leader. Be prepared to discuss what elements of the situation combined with elements of the leader’s ability to lead resulted in an effective combination. Do you have any of the same leadership characteristics in common with their chosen leader or any of the other leaders? How will you recognize the right combination of situation and style for you to be a leader? 12. Managing change is something good leaders expect and have developed the skills necessary to be successful. Imagine yourself as a leader of the following organization: You are the CEO of a playing card company that has existed since 1889. Your company began producing its first electronic playing cards game in 1970 and has been highly successful. Now in the electronic age, it is important to acknowledge the lack of hand-held playing cards and embrace the video game era. You want to eliminate all hand-held playing cards from the company plan but the employees who have been around for a while wish to keep the cards around. How can you manage this change and the anxiety that it produces in your employees? General answers are not enough to earn points on this question. Identify specific steps you will take to achieve desired outcomes.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Constructivism Theory Essay -- Education, Teachers, Wireless Computin

Theoretical Framework Dewey (1916/1997), Papert (1993/2000), Piaget (1932/1997), Bruner and Vygotsky‘s (1978/1981) social constructivism (SC) theory will support this study. The theory of SC places teachers as facilitators in an active learning setting. An active social learning setting creates opportunities to facilitate learners with actively constructing knowledge using past experiences to connect to introduced concepts and tasks (Ryu et al., 2009). This can also be applied when teachers instill the value of the learning content through connecting the subject to past experiences and real-world situations (Specht, 2009). Teachers will need to be trained to create learning activities that contain only the information they want their students to process (Johnson et al., 2009). Dewey’s (1916/1997) SC theory emphasized that teachers use the information processing approach to observe their students during the teaching-learning process. Dewey’s information processing approach also requires teachers to alter their instructional practice (Bebell & Kay, 2010). For example, Dewey’s information processing approach suggests teachers use the independent and self-regulatory design to prepare their learners for future educational endeavors. This design can facilitate a network of lifelong social learners. The past years emphasized ways societal changed from passive information consumers to producers of information and consumer who have become social content prosumers (Specht, 2009). Therefore, training to integrate one-to-one computing will focus on employing social content, enriching activities, pedagogical approaches and innovative technology knowledge with the existing curricular. On... prospective to advance through constructive use of communication resources (Johnson et al., 2009). Technophobia: computer phobia, anxiety, unfavorable global attitudes, societal impact, specific negative cognitions or self-critical personal dialogues during actual computer usage or when considering future computer use (Ursavas & Karal, 2009). Wireless Computing: devices that use electromagnetic waves rather than land-based wires to carry a communication signal; examples are laptops, clickers, cell phones, iPods, and other such mobile devices, including printers and desktop that operate through wireless signals, rather than hardware technology (Skevakis, 2010). Wireless Technology: output tools such as laptops, clickers, cell phones, iPods, and other such mobile devices, including printers and desktop that operate through wireless forms (Skevakis, 2010).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Enrollment system and scheduling Essay

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDY Foreign and Local Literature Foreign Literature According to Trip Adler, enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of students to register on a particular school. Different interrelated processes build up enrollment procedures called Enrollment System (ES). ES are used particularly in recording and retrieving student information. Tracking student information is also one feature of ES, in which the school can trace the standing of a student. (Trip Adler, 2005) Enrolment system or ES is used particularly in recording and retrieving student information. Trip Adler says enrollment is process of entering and verifying data of students to register on a particular school. From different interrelated processes will build up enrollment procedures. According to Matthew Townsley, â€Å"The implementation of the successful enrollment management program requires cooperation, coordination and teamwork among various campus constituencies.† Cooperation, coordination and teamwork among the proponents in making the Enrollment System play a very important role in the project. Thus resulting more productivity and better output. (Matthew Townsley, 2006) According to Daniel John Hossler, Enrollment System is a comprehensive process designed to help achieve and maintain optimum enrollment (recruitment, retention, and graduation rates). It is an institution wide process that permeates Virtually every aspect of the school’s functioned and culture. (Daniel John Hossier, System Structure etc. pg. 41, 2011) The proponents of the Enrollment System have considered all the aspects of the school’s need to produce an efficient and effective enrollment process. According to Bernard Konsynski, without a comprehensive strategy to manage enrollment, a school finds it difficult to increase productivity, service, quality, and competitiveness. (Bernard Konsynski, 1999) Competitiveness in all of the schools’ enrollment system is very high due to the standards and requirements of the school nowadays, so the proponent’s enrollment system has to meet all the standards and requirements of the school. According to Peterson, Eric W. Nov. 1999. The technology today plays a vital role in our society. It makes man work easier and fast. It lessens error of work by using machines. It reduces costs to an organization from paper works up to computerized working system. Many manual transactions can be computerized by using software applications or computer systems to make work easier and efficient. (Peterson, Eric W. November. 1999) Information technology can give a company ready access to improve product and service quality, reduce costs, increase productivity in smallest time possible, and communication between employees and to make things with lesser effort but having a better output and even improve the company morale. According to Thelma Smith (August 2010), The computerized enrollment system will provide the needed and storing information in a faster, more convenient way by storing file of the student enrollees in a computer system that will lessen the Effort of faculty staff in storing files of each student every now and then. The idea behind an enrollment system is not a new concept. This will only serve as an Immediate solution to the increasing problems towards enrollment that provides more easy way in enrolling. This only means that a poor management of an enrollment system could affect the operation of the school. Thus, to avoid errors in enrollment, it wills an instant remedy, which is the development of a computerized enrollment system. (Thelma Smith August 2010). According to Ian Sleight, Enrollment system is the must have system in a school. When a student is enrolling for a specific course the school requires all the necessary information of the enrollees. When the school retrieves the important information from the student, the encoder now should input the details of the student in the enrollment system. In the enrollment system, the school can trace what are the standings of the students or the academic performance of each student. It holds all the information needed by the school to provide a stored student data. (Ian Sleight, January 2010) Local Literature According to Honorato C. Perez, Sr. Late Cabanatuan City Mayor, Enrollment plays a very serious role in every school premise. It is very important in every and it acts as their foundation. Each school has their own system in handling their enrollment. And for them to accommodate many students, they need to computerize their enrollment system, for them to make their work easier and easy to manage. (Honorato C. Perez, Sr. Late Cabanatuan City Mayor) As they mayor said enrollment system plays a vital role in school because it is very important that should be organize, precise and coordinate in every transaction that the proponents proposed enrollment system that can do all of that. According to Jeffy Lomboy, Enrollment System is a good example of a computer generated process. This can lessen the workload and provides accurate information needed by the school. As a result, it will benefit not only the student but the administration as a whole. An enrollment system must be a good computer generated process, this said is to manage a time for the avoidance of a workload so that the accurate information that the school needs and it benefits only a student and the administrator. (Jeffy Lomboy, February 2011). According to Aries, The process of enrollment in schools nowadays requires information technology. The objective of Information Technology is to help humanity from doing loads of work over time. By having computerized system, the cost during enrollment will be cut down and much effort will be reduced. The computerized enrollment system reduced and cut down much effort of work over time of humanity by the used of enrollment technology. (Aries February. 2012) According to Joshua Jamora, Enrollment System is used for student information records. A well-built Enrollment System can be useful to reduce the load of the people that normally has to do all the manual work. A well enrollment system is built for faster process information. Enhancing the Enrollment system of Colegio de Saint Monique. A useful enrollment system is used to reduce the load of the human that normally has to do all manual work like in the enrollment process. A well enrollment system is build for a faster process for enrollment process. Enrollment system enhances the school of Colegio de Saint Monique in Binangonan. (Joshua Jamora February 2013). According to Eilrach Solomon, A quick and automated enrollment system process is the way the school can find an easier and better way to implement an enrollment system. The automation of the said system will be implemented through the use of equipments like computers and printers. Users can use these equipments in order for the work to be done faster and it can lessen the processing time because of fast accessing of grades. Eilrach said the develop a system that can minimize the processing time in order to access records of the students quickly so that enrollment process will be much faster than usual. Enrollees will be  more comfortable for the system that researchers will develop because of fast and consistent processing of schools enrollment system. (Eilrach Solomon February 2010). According to Harley Quinnie of Quezon City, a study to develop a comprehensive information system for the students of Informatics College Caloocan. For first time enrollees they are required to register using the school computers in order to process their application for enrollment at Informatics College Caloocan and They’re records will be stored into the school server, records such as name, address, guardian/s, course, subjects, and schedules. The Student Information System is proposed to help the students supervise their academic status, in order to keep track of the subjects they’ve taken, and the student will be able to view his course curriculum in any accessible computer in the school to see which subjects to take the following term. (Harley Quinnie of Quezon City., July 2012) Foreign and Local Studies Foreign Studies Computerized enrollment system of New Berlyn, a university will be able to make the process of enrolling people a hundred times easier. A computerized enrollment system is essentially a piece of computer software that allows people who manage enrollment to deal with all student data on the computer. The names and the information relating to individuals who study at the educational establishment will be stored on the computer. Computerized enrollment systems are pretty basic, really, as they can be changed and utilized to work for other companies and organizations. (Enrollment System New Berlyn, 2011) â€Å"Enrollment system will be their great advantage towards other School to their services fast, efficient use; it will benefit mostly the user of the system.† According to the study conducted in Australia, the new developed enrollment University system centralizes all relevant information about courses, units and student grades. It is the responsibility of the faculties to provide the system with information (course code and unit code) about the courses and units they  offer. For each course, the name of the course coordination must be communicated. The enrollment system in turn keeps the faculties in turn keeps the faculties informed of the numbers and names of students enrolled in the units. At the end of each semester the faculties will also communicate the students’ final grades; it is the system’s responsibility to send to students the end-semester notification giving the Final grades. (International School of informatics management, student admission system, November, 2011) â€Å"In facilitating the number of student enrolled in every section it must be known. Because many school didn’t controlled the number of student in every section so it so hustle in teacher to handle so many students in one room. According to the study of Roberts, the University of Derby has benefited greatly from the introduction of an Electronic Enrollment system and much has been learned on the way. The Institution has come to expect the provision of information on enrollments in real-time, it’s planning cycle and operation rely on it. Students expect the systems provided to be slick, available longer and to have no queues associated with them. While new systems will provide institutions with exciting new opportunities, the first and biggest step has already been taken with the handing over of the data and input to the student. The operation of the Electronic Enrollment System has paved the way for the implementation of Web based system at Deroy that will provide a better service to students. (Roberts, the University of Derby, November, 2009) â€Å"The proponent’s proposal real time enrollment system so all the transaction is can be done in one process.† According to Parcels Baggage it’s much easier to enroll people into universities, colleges, schools and other educational establishments these days by using a computer. The days of using documents and other files are over. It’s no longer feasible to enroll people into the more staff would have to be hired to deal with the paperwork and people would need training in how to manage the documentation properly. (Parcels Baggage, 2010) â€Å"The upgraded system should be agile enough to cope up with the existing environment, able to do more complex jobs from query, processing of documents and finally results to the clients.† Local Studies In the conducted study of Charlene G. Bulao et. Al (April 2000), in their undergraduate feasibility study entitled â€Å"A Proposed Computerized Enrollment System for Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela†, the case study stated that the school’s enrollment process are time consuming, redundant student records, and has a slow retrieval of student records. Similar with the stated problem of manual enrollment system at Canumay National High School the only difference is that Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela (PLV) requires payment for the tuition fee. Both of the study aim to develop a system that will reduce the redundancy of student’s information, reduce the consumed time in enrollment process, and a fast retrieval of student’s records. According to Jonel Vitor, (March 2008) et al, the computerized enrollment system is now used by the universities, colleges and other establishment. Therefore, computerized enrollment system is very useful to both the firm and students because it rather give an effective and efficient approach for both the students and schools. The proponent’s enrollment system is being useful in the school together with parents, staff, faculty, student that is very efficient to approach. (Jonel Vitor, March 2008) Marvin Marquez, March 26, 2011. It is recommended to the school to provide a computer where we can install the system. And also, a committee which can be headed by some teacher must be organized to operate the system. This software can be acquired in a very minimal cost. Free seminars and trainings will be given to the person who will operate the system, and manuals will be provided. The computerized enrollment system covers the major processes in Batanes State College namely: registration of the current and incoming students, class scheduling, sectioning, and reports needed. Since one of the specific objectives of the system is to secure the data being inputted to the databases, the system would Allow two user accounts which are the faculty and the registrar. (Marvin Marquez, March 26, 2011) According to Daniel G. Urbanozo successful enrollment management depends on information base that is comprehensive targeted and continuously updated to conform to enrollment policies and to monitor its effectiveness. Institution implementing enrollment programs need to establish an initial information infrastructure. This data will identify areas in need of further analysis that may suggest policy revision. â€Å"The proponents proposed system has an information infrastructure that can flexible in every situation that can be encountered in future.† According to Jofil Lomboy Enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of student to registrar on a particular school. Different interrelated processes build up enrollment procedures called Enrollment System. Enrollment System is used particularly in recording and retrieving student’s information. Tracking student information is also one of the features of ES, in which the school can trace the standing of a student. (Technology Innovation on Enrollment System (Jofil Lomboy, February 2011) â€Å"The proponent’s enrollment systems can also easily track student information and tuition. Recording and retrieving and verifies the data of the students registered.† Synthesis The technology today plays a vital role in our society. It makes man work easier and fast. It lessens error of work by using machines. It reduces costs to an organization from paper works up to computerized Information Technology can give a company ready access to improve product and service quality, reduce costs, increase productivity in smallest time possible, and communication between employees and to make things with lesser effort but having a better output and even improve company morale. The process of enrolment in schools nowadays requires information technology. The objective of Information Technology is to help humanity from doing loads of work overtime. By having computerized system, the cost during enrolment will be cut down and much effort will be reduced. The project involves a series of studies that covers all the requirements of creating a computerized enrolment system. The goal of the study is the enrolment system of Ebenezer Montessori Christian School, Inc. The study aims provide a system that will serve their Registrar accurately and with efficiency in matters related to their enrolment. Enrollment System is a good example of a computer generated process. This can lessen the workload and provides accurate information needed of the school. As a result, it will benefit not only the student but the administration as a  whole. Enrollment System is very essential in a school. It is composed of a manual system. Directress used manual system in recording and retrieving student’s information. She also has information about student’s payment. In fact, she does all the record keeping just by using ball pen and columnar sheet. On the other hand, Registrar Department also used manual system as a way of recording and retrieving student information. Record system is complete school management software that effectively performs record and profiles management. This record software has a module dedicated to management of student’s records which makes it useful profile management software. This profile management system captures master Data of personal information of the students. The record management software is waded with resource capacity and availability so that all the information can be used to optimize resources and generate timetables. The record management software stores all static information in a central depository doing away with manual data management, redundancy and duplication. Use record management system for easy records and profiles management and realize other benefits of this powerful records management system. Bibliography Trip Adler (2005) Matthew Townsley (2006) Thesis Document no.61 title: Batasan Chunan Christian School. Inc Enrollment System. Page 18 Daniel John Hossier (2011) System Structure etc. page 41 Bernard Konsynski (1999) Thesis Document no.61 title: Batasan Chunan Christian School. Inc Enrollment System. Page 19 Thelma Smith (August, 2010) Ian Sleight (January, 2010) Peterson, Eric W. (November, 1999) Thesis Document no.61 title: Batasan Chunan Christian School. Inc Enrollment System. Page 19   Honorato C. Perez, Sr. Late Cabanatuan City Mayor Jeffy Lomboy ( February, 2011) Aries, (February 2012) Joshua Jamora, (February, 2013), Enrollment-System-1405014.html Harley Quinnie of Quezon City. (July, 2012) Enrollment System New Berlyn International School of informatics management, student admission system, (November, 2011). Roberts, the University of Derby, (November, 2009) Parcels Baggage, 2010 Thesis Document no.61 title: Batasan Chunan Christian School. Inc Enrollme Jonel Vitor, (March, 2008) et al

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Managerial Economic Decision Making Essay

From the e-Activity, assess how business leaders use managerial economics to make business decisions indicating how profits may be impacted. Analyze the principal-agent problem to determine how the relationship could be less adversarial. Provide support for your rationale. ECO 550 Week 1 DQ 2: Fundamental Economic Concepts Pick a recently released good or service. Then, determine the factors that must be evaluated regarding the product’s supply and demand. Analyze how these factors impact the decision to supply the product indicating the significance of each in the decision-making process. Using the same product example above, analyzing how the risk tolerance factors play in supplying the good or service and how this should influence management’s decisions ECO 550 Week 2 DQ 1: Demand Analysis From the e-Activity, if you were a manager in a tobacco company, analyze the elasticity of demand for tobacco products. Evaluate the factors involved in making decisions about pricing tobacco products indicating which would be the most influential. Using the same scenario above, discuss how the elasticity influence the short-term and long-term decisions of the company and the impact to the decision made related to profitability. ECO 550 Week 2 DQ 2: Estimating Demand Provide an example when it would be appropriate to conduct a time-series or cross sectional data. Discuss the potential problems that may arise with your example and identify strategies for minimizing the impact of the potential problems. Discuss the meaning of the regression coefficient of the independent variable(s) and how it could be used to estimate the elasticities of each of these variables. Discuss how managers use the elasticities measurements to make managerial decisions. ECO 550 Week 3 DQ 1: Business and Economic Forecasting From the e-Activity, develop a regression equation using the data you  collected from your research. Use the regression equation to focus the demand for the product you chose for the next three periods. Assess what the results of the regression equation tells managers and how it is likely to impact decisions made related to maximizing profitability. †¢ Imagine you are a manager for the good or service used above. From the results of the regression equation, suggest strategies to either maintain demand (if an increase over three periods occurs) or improve demand (if a decrease over three periods occurs). Provide support for your recommendations ECO 550 Week 3 DQ 2: Managing in the Global Economy Evaluate the relationship between the European Euro crisis in 2012 and the American economy. Assess how this affects American businesses and decisions made by mangers related to sustainable profitability. Provide examples with your response. Aside from maximizing profits, assess the factors that managers must consider when making the decision to outsource or integrate forwards or backwards considering which factor would be most influential for decision-making. ECO 550 Week 4 DQ 1: Production Economics From the e-Activity, determine the environmental variable most likely to affect the short-run production over the next 12 months. Determine what managers can do to prepare for the possible change in short-run production. Pick a real or fictitious business. Create a scenario around this business in which a manager would decide to either stop operations in the short-run or going out of business in the long-run. Provide a rationale with your response ECO 550 Week 4 DQ 2: Cost Analysis Pick a good or service. Distinguish between the short-run and the long-run production and cost function for that good or service. Discuss how price plays a role in short-run and the long-run decisions and how managers are likely to respond in each case. Using the same good or service from above. Identify the fixed and variables costs are for the good or service. Based upon the costs identified, recommend whether to produce or not produce the good or service. Provide a rationale with your response ECO 550 Week 5 DQ 1: Applications of Cost Theory Imagine you are a manager of a chemical company. An accident has occurred in which chemicals leaked into the ground water nearby, the community is unaware. Assess the costs involved in cleaning up the water immediately (confessing) versus hiding the fact and possibly paying more in the future. Discuss the impact on profitability in both situations. From the first e-Activity, assess the factors involved in conducting a break-even analysis. Determine the conditions that may exist for a manager of this good or service may decide to move forward with operations even with the initial costs of operations is more than the potential revenue ECO 550 Week 5 DQ 2: Prices, Output and Strategy Pick a good or service you are familiar. Speculate how the price for that good or service may have been set and how well this price maximizes profit for the company and determine what shifts the company should made in its pricing strategy. Provide support for your recommendations. From the second e-Activity, discuss how the company you selected should increase its competitive stance in the marketplace and how management would implement the recommendations. Provide specific examples to support your response ECO 550 Week 6 DQ 1: Monopolies From the first e-Activity, imagine this company acting as a monopoly was to have a new competitor arrive in the marketplace. Assess how the monopoly would likely change its pricing strategy to compensate for the new competition. From the first e-Activity, speculate how the monopolist could be more efficient in the long-run considering new competition has entered the marketplace ECO 550 Week 6 DQ 2: Oligopoly From the second e-Activity, assess the marketing and pricing strategies, for example rebates, to determine the goal(s) of the marketing and pricing strategies for one of the companies you researched. Make one recommendation for changes that the company should make to better maximize profits. The Internet has made shopping for airline tickets efficient for the consumer. As a result, the industry overall is price sensitive. Suggest how the airlines can maximize profits while avoiding price wars. ECO 550 Week 7 DQ 1: Game Theory Please respond to the following: †¢ Demand for airline tickets fluctuates throughout the year, which affects the price of an airline ticket. Suggest the type of game that may be most appropriate for a specific airline to play to address the differences in demand and elasticity and the resulting impact on profitability. Provide support for your reply. †¢ From the first e-Activity, propose a short-term and long-term pricing strategy for the product or service you researched including how the strategies would be implemented. Assess how your proposal ultimately maximizes profits ECO 550 Week 7 DQ 2: Pricing Techniques From the second e-Activity, propose the new target market segment for the product and its accompanying pricing strategy (for example, bundling and couponing). Provide a rational for why you feel the new target market and pricing strategy would be successful and the likely impact to the profitability of the firm. The pharmaceutical industry often has the luxury of implementing pricing strategies that appear high to consumers. Take a position on the fairness of the industry’s approach to pricing pharmaceutical products including offering an alternative strategy that may be more palatable to consumers. Provide a rationale with your position ECO 550 Week 8 DQ 1: Contracting From the e-Activity, propose a methodology for assessing the risk in business contracts. Assess the economic impact this methodology may have for the organization. Analyze a situation in which both parties entering into a contract could benefit, economically or otherwise, from slightly ambiguous language contained in the contract. Provide specific examples to support your response. ECO 550 Week 8 DQ 2: Organization Form Analyze the potential downfalls of any team effort and make at least one recommendation for minimizing risk. Provide specific examples to support your response. Evaluate the organization form that would be most efficient in minimizing the principal-agent problem. Provide a rationale with your response ECO 550 Week 9 DQ 1: Government Regulation From the e-Activity, take a position on whether more government regulation is needed in the banking industry. Support your position with evidence or examples. Provide an example of how government regulation is either constraining or enabling for a particular company indicating the impact to the operational efficiency of the company. Discuss how your response impacts maximizing shareholder wealth ECO 550 Week 9 DQ 2: Antitrust and Licensing Imagine how managerial decisions may be easier or more difficult if there were no antitrust restrictions in the U.S. Provide an example to support your response. The IT industry is full of patents. There are some companies, referred to as patent trolls, whom purchase these patents in hopes of making money by enforcing patents against alleged infringers. Determine the impact of government regulation against patent trolls. Identify who wins and who loses if regulation was adopted ECO 550 Week 10 DQ 1: Capital Investments With the current U.S. economy in a weakened state, many companies are reluctant to implement any capital improvements or capital expenditures in fear of the economic uncertainty that exists that may negatively impact the cash flow of the organization. Assess the impact of this behavior on productivity, cost efficiency, diversification of assets, or impact to future cash flows that may emerge if companies continue this mindset indicating the long-term risk to profitability. Provide an example or scenario to support your response. Analyze the challenges that companies face in entering global markets. Identify the potential impact to capital budgets in making the decision to move into a global market ECO 550 Week 10 DQ 2: Cost-Benefit Analysis Provide a cost-benefit analysis for a company which has to decide whether to hire more staff or hire temporary workers to meet production schedules. Determine how managers would use your cost-benefit analysis to make this decision. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis of obtaining a graduate degree. Assess both the short-term and the long-term costs and benefits to determine why some people obtain the extra education while others do not Copy this link to your browser and download:

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Founding Brothers Summaries Essay Essay Example

Founding Brothers Summaries Essay Essay Example Founding Brothers Summaries Essay Essay Founding Brothers Summaries Essay Essay Essay Topic: O Brother Where Foreword The foreword of Establishing Brothers sets up the historical context and temper for the undermentioned chapters. seting an accent on the American Revolution. and its significance and inevitableness. After the revolutions the amazing success and America’s release from Great Britain. no 1 was certain America could keep its ain for long. It had non yet established an active authorities and was deemed probably by many to fall apart into single provinces. However. the founding â€Å"fathers† were determined to hold America survive as a successful state. so they initiated the Constitutional Convention in 1787 during which the American Constitution was created. : Chapter 1 the Duel The first chapter of the novel pertains to the conflict between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. One forenoon in the summer of 1804. the two conducted a affaire dhonneur near Weehawken. New Jersey following the codification duello. It resulted in the decease of Hamilton which accordingly tainted Burr’s repute. Hamilton was shot and killed by one of two shootings that were fired. In the wake. two narratives were known amongst the populace: the Hamilton version and the Burr version. The Hamilton version is that Burr was the first to fire and Hamilton impetuously fired into the air upon being shooting. The Burr version is that Hamilton fired foremost. intentionally losing. and after about four or five seconds. Burr fired that fatal shooting that killed Hamilton. who outright fell to the land. Although this version was about undoubtedly incorrect. it was slightly of a consensus amongst the populace. Ironically. the Burr version is more credible because it contains the interruption between the two shootings upon which was both sides agreed. hence doing Hamilton’s automatic shooting extremely implausible. The affaire dhonneur was the consequence of Hamilton piquing Burr and so declining to apologise. Chapter 2 the Dinner The chapter’s 2nd chapter goes back to the eighteenth century. before the events of the predating chapter. Ellis tells Thomas Jefferson’s history of a dinner he held at his place in mid-June of 1790. He invited Alexander Hamilton and James Madison to discourse the hereafter location of the nation’s capital. This subject was supplemented by conversations sing the economic crisis of the times. The dinner led to a via media between Madison and Hamilton. Madison would non oppose Hamilton’s fiscal program in exchange for Hamilton’s support of the capital’s hereafter location to be along the Potomac River. However. Ellis proposes that this via media was non merely the consequence of the individual dinner but instead several treatments. George Washington decided that America’s capital would be established east of Georgetown and was named Washington D. C. after Washington himself. Having originally promised it would be in propinquity of the Pennsylvania boundary line. the cardinal street was named Pennsylvania Avenue in order to pacify defeated Pennsylvanians. Chapter 3 The Silence The 3rd chapter of the fresh involves a outstanding difference that about broke apart the immature state. This statement was a consequence of requests presented to the House of Representatives a few months prior to Jefferson’s dinner by two Quaker deputations naming for the terminal of the African slave trade. Those in favour of keeping bondage in the United States were chiefly the southern provinces. particularly Georgia. represented by James Jackson. and South Carolina. represented by William Loughton Smith. They argued that Congress should disregard the requests because the Constitution prohibited authorities action on the slave trade until 1808 anyhow and that it was simply and try to accomplish emancipation. They even took it so far as to endanger to win if the affair was non openly discussed. No 1 in the House took the enterprise to rebut the South’s allegations and this silence is what the chapter’s rubric refers to. In the terminal. there was no existent national consequence. In order to stop this difference. James Madison passed a ballot from the House to amend the Constitution so that Congress would hold no authorization to interfere with bondage. Chapter 4 Farewell This chapter focuses on George Washington’s farewell reference and therefore his formal decline to function a 3rd term as president. Despite holding been partly written in coaction with Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. Washington’s farewell reference included his and merely his hopes for the hereafter of the United States. Amongst the points that he stressed were the demand for national integrity. the danger of partiality and party political relations. and the foreign policy of neutrality and diplomatic independency from the disruptive events happening in Europe at the clip. Thankss to Washington. go forthing office after two footings became customary for wining presidents. except for Franklin D. Roosevelt who served three full footings and died during his 4th. In 1951. the 22nd Amendment made it jurisprudence that a president may merely function at most two footings. America was by and large saddened by the retirement of such a great leader as George Washington. f or he was seen by the population as a virtually god-like figure. Chapter 5 The Confederates After the retirement of George Washington. the two prima campaigners for the presidential term were John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. both good friends and great rivals. However. Adams was a Federalist and Jefferson was a Republican. and the two parties were going progressively counter towards each other. In 1796. John Adams was officially elected president and Jefferson vice-president. Since they were from different parties. they had different dockets for their clip in office. At dinner with Washington in 1797. Jefferson informed Adams that he was non interested in fall ining his cabinet and the Republican Party did non mean to partake in the peace deputation Adams was directing to France. From so on Adams neer once more addressed Jefferson’s inclusion in policy devising determinations. In the 1800 election. the presidential term was won by Jefferson with Aaron Burr as the vice-president. After the election. Adams and Jefferson did non talk to one another for 12 long old ages. Chapter 6 Friendship The book’s reasoning chapter one time once more pertains to John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. After 12 old ages of silence between the two they eventually began to restore their friendly relationship through missive correspondence initiated by Adams that would last until their deceases. They both put forth a noticeable attempt to accommodate and their long-held regard for each other overcame the resentment from their past differences. The missive correspondence consisted of 158 letters stoping in 1826 when both work forces died. On the 50th day of remembrance of American independency in 1826. both Jefferson and Adams died within about five hours of each other.

Monday, October 21, 2019

sexual disfunction in america essays

sexual disfunction in america essays The article being reviewed Is from the February 22, 1999 issue of U.S. News and World Report. It is titled Not tonight, dear and is written by Wray Herbert. The article is separated into three parts dealing with sex and marriage, different statistics between the races, and the treatment of sexual dysfunction. There are a number of interesting facts in the intro that should be stated before a review of the articles body commences. The author cites a recent report consisting of interviews from 3,000 adults about their sexual lives. One of the findings from the report is that at nearly any given time almost one third of American men and 4 out of 10 American omen suffer from some sort of sexual dysfunction. the range of dysfunction being suffered by American adults is a wide one, including a lack of desire, anxiety about performance, pain during intercourse, and orgasmic and arousal dysfunctions. The author then states that the contradictory messages about sexuality in our culture can only be part of the problem and that emotional and mental illnesss produced by past traumas and set backs are most likely the major cause of sexual dysfunction. First, there appears to be less reported cases of sexual dysfunction amongst married men and women than there are for singles. This sentiment is backed by a survey done by University of Chicago sociologist Edward Laumann and he concludes that the singles scene is not as carefree as it is cracked up to be and that sex within the confines of marriage is less problematic. This conclusion runs counter to the clinical experience of many sex therapists. Their experiences tend to make them think that many people in relationships are deeply committed to each other, however the are not in fact satisfied by their sexual relationships because the lack the desire to have sex. The issue of the inverse nature of male and female sexuality ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why You Shouldnt Trust Forbes College Rankings

Why You Shouldn't Trust Forbes College Rankings SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Forbes is a highly respected source of college rankings and is often consulted by students to help them decide which colleges are objectively the â€Å"best† choices. However, relying too much on these rankings can be a dangerous way to go about the college search process. In this article, I’ll outline how Forbes rankings are calculated and give you a rundown of the problematic aspects of these rankings. Overview of Forbes College Rankings Forbes is one of the most well-known sources of college rankings out there.It works in conjunction with the Center for College Affordability and Productivity to rank a total of 650 undergraduate educational institutions.Criteria for inclusion in the rankings includes the award of degrees or certificates requiring four or more years of study.All schools are classified by the Carnegie Foundation as Doctorate-Granting Universities, Master’s Colleges and Universities, or Baccalaureate Colleges. Forbes emphasizes student outcomes for colleges - this means rankings are heavily dependent on post-graduate success, freshman retention rates, graduation rates, and ultimate academic success in terms of advanced degrees and awards.An interesting thing to note about these rankings is that for each year, they incorporate the school's current scores in conjunction with scores for the past two years. This means that for 2015, a school’s score for 2015 is given a 50% weight in its composite score, and scores from 2014 and 2013 are each given a 25% weight.This is to help control for variability since ranking colleges based on graduation outcomes and post-graduate success factors means many changes from year to year. How Does Forbes Create Its Rankings? Forbes generates its rankings using several tools across different platforms and metrics.The general breakdown looks like this: Student Satisfaction (25%) This is further broken down into percentage weights for a couple different measurements.These include: Student evaluations from (7.5%) Freshman retention rates (12.5%) Predicted freshman retention rates compared to actual rates (2.5%) A â€Å"School Satisfaction Survey† conducted by Forbes via Facebook (2.5%) Post-Graduate Success (32.5%) This is broken down into two subcategories: Alumni salary from (10%) American Leaders List (22.5%) Student Debt (25%) There are three subcategories here: Average Federal Student Loan Debt (10%) Student loan default rates (12.5%) Predicted vs. actual federal student loan debt (2.5%) Graduation Rate (7.5%) This is divided into the four-year graduation rate (5%) and the predicted vs. actual four-year graduation rate (2.5%). Academic Success (10%) This is divided into two subcategories: Students receiving Nationally Competitive Awards (Rhodes Scholars, etc.) (7.5%) Alumni receiving PhDs (2.5%) PhDs must wear silly robes at all times to distinguish themselves from the unwashed masses What’s the Problem with These Rankings? Forbes rankings are based on some solid information, but they’re not going to give you the full story on whether a college is the right choice for you.There are a couple of issues you should be aware of before taking these rankings into consideration in your college search. Very little emphasis on the actual student experience While Forbes does consider RateMyProfessors feedback (which can be seriously biased towards easy professors) and makes a big deal about being the first college ranking site to use social media in the form of a Facebook survey for students, even these factors only account for 10% of the total ranking criteria.Forbesconsiders the student experience more than, say, US News, which is almost purely based on bare statistics and feedback from academics, but it still won’t give you a great sense of whether the school is a pleasant environment for students. Ratings of professors and a survey don’t give you a good sense of the community at the school.In a ranking system, it’s probably impossible for any mode of measurement to do that.This is why relying solely on any ranking system leaves you open to misinterpreting the culture at a school. You end up losing the necessary subjectivity that goes along with judgment of each individual college environment. Narrow definitions of â€Å"success† Forbes places a lot of emphasis on post-graduate success and awards earned by students.In fact, almost half of a school’s score is comprised of the â€Å"Academic Excellence† and â€Å"Post Graduate Success† categories.These are valuable measures to include, but they don’t apply to the aspirations of all students.If you’re going to college, you’re probably hoping it will get you a job, but a high salary or academic awards might not be a priority. If you’d like to pursue a social justice or public service career path, you're probably already aware that you’re not headed towards giant piles of cash.This means you have to take a step back from the rankings and investigate each school on an individual basis to come to conclusions about what fits best for you.Schools where alumni make a lot of money might just have excellent business or economics programs. That’s not relevant to you if you don’t plan on becoming a financial analyst or an entrepreneur. Jeremy in the Sky with WordArt is one of the Beatles' lesser known songs Advantages to schools with a wealthy student body Measures of student debt levels make up a significant portion of a school’s score in the Forbes ranking system (25%).While you may be interested in going to a school that appears to leave students with less debt, these measurements can be misleading. For example, schools that tend to attract an overall wealthier student body will naturally end up with less volume of student debt.These students’ parents may be able to completely foot the bill for college or keep loans small and pay them off easily later.For this reason, an objectively better student debt rating may not reflect the level of support students receive from the school or the real income potential of students.A poor student might end up with some debt in loans after college even after significant support from the school and access to a promising career path. Lack of categories to differentiate colleges of varying types The Forbes rankings lump colleges into one big list (although there are many other lists on the site - here we’re just talking about the main rankings).This is problematic because it’s very difficult to directly compare schools that are markedly different in terms of public or private status, research capabilities, and size of student body. For example, this year Pomona, a small liberal arts college, has the number one spot in the rankings, above all the Ivies, Stanford, and MIT.While there are certainly valid reasons for ranking Pomona #1, it also would be silly for you to choose it based on its higher rank if you were looking for alarger research university.Comparing a small college like Pomona to a research university with a large graduate student population like the University of Pennsylvania is comparing apples to oranges as far as the academic experience goes. The key thing to understand is that every student is different and has specific needs and preferences for their college experience.When rankings like these try to force all colleges into one category, they’re giving the students what they want (an easy way to tell which colleges are â€Å"better†) but not what they need. Relying too heavily on rankings results in a dangerously simplistic view of college quality and the college search process. Sometimes rankings are the wrong tools for understanding the environment at a college... If Not Forbes, Then What? But Sam, you may be saying, if I shouldn’t look at Forbes rankings, then what SHOULD I do? Stare at a blank wall releasing all judgment like a Buddhist monk until application time and then choose a school at random?Maybe not until application time (and please don’t choose at random), but you should certainly take a few moments to reflect more seriously on what you want out of college apart from what the rankings and others around you say you’re supposed to want.For more detail on what your should be asking yourself, read my guide on the college search process. After you’ve already picked out some schools based on what you like about them across different factors that are important to you personally, only then might you look at Forbes rankings.I broke down the weight given to different factors in the ranking process for you so that you can see what’s being measured.Make sure you always keep this in mind. It's possible thatvery few of those factors matter to you - in this case, the rankings are not going to be particularly relevant. Not particularly relevant You can still use Forbes rankings as a general guide if you've done your research and considered all the other factors that are important to you in your college search. It's useful to look at the rankings generally in groups of ten or so. The top five schools will be the most reputable, followed by the next ten, followed by the next ten, and so on. Colleges within the same group of ten won't be much different in terms of quality. Rankings like these can be useful because prestige and student outcomes are valuable measurements of college quality. Schools with better reputations will naturally attract a more intellectual group of students and usually provide more opportunities. All other things being equal, you should choose the school with the higher ranking. However, if you're trying to decide between a school with a lower ranking that's a great fit for you and a school with a high ranking that's a poor fit, you should choose the first option every time. Rather than relying totally on rankings, you can check out some of these sites that will help match you up with colleges based on what you’re looking for in terms of program offerings, size, location, social life, and many other valuable components of the college experience.Rankings are interesting and exciting because they give you fast information about which college is â€Å"better† and make you feel like success is just a matter of getting into the â€Å"right† school.The reality is that college is what you make of it. You should go somewhere where you’ll be happy and able to lead a rich academic and social life based on your personality and passions. What's Next? Looking to attend a liberal arts college? Take a look at this list of the best liberal arts schools in the country. Not sure whether you're interested in public or private schools?Read this article to learn about the differences between the two. If you want to save some money on college applications, you might consider applying to schools without application fees. Here's a complete list of all the colleges that don't charge fees to apply. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

In God We Trust Question 4 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

In God We Trust Question 4 - Research Paper Example Based on this and many other factors that this paper will illustrate, the discussions will concur with the assumption of many that America is a Christian nation. To help in proving this point, the paper will illustrate the role of religion in the society, basing its illustrations from Paul Bloom’s essay, Is God an Accident? (Comely 2012) Other illustrations will emanate from sociological theories of evolution, functionalism, and collective conscience. Religion is crucial in upholding the morality of the society as well as its legal structures. Bloom proclaims that, â€Å"The United States is a poster child for supernatural belief† (Bloom). Paul Bloom is a psychology professor at university of Yale, formerly having written Descartes’ Baby. Individually, he is an atheist but recognizes the existence of belief in religion. From polls, Bloom established that about ninety-six percent of the American population believes in God. In relation to this, more than fifty perc ent of the same American population believes in angels, the devil, and miracles. Religion has performed the role of instigating morality and ethical values in the society (Ijaz 2011). As such, most people believe that religion offers guidance by defining the difference between wrong and right. This is extremely a necessity in today’s world especially with the emergence of modernity. This implies that there is ardent need to balance the negatives with the positives in this modern world. Religion has established itself, since the beginning of times, as the positive side. Belief in God somehow restrains people’s actions, by so doing controlling evil and wrongdoings. In addition to this, religion also brings with it the conservancy nature of the world, which will similarly work towards maintaining balance between the right and wrong. From sociology, it is absolute knowledge that the world often tends to shift from liberal to conservative aspect, and vice versa. Religion co mes into play here as it brings the world from its liberal phase back to the conservative one in instances where the liberal phase is to the extreme. According to functionalism sociological theory, religion offers a set of ethical practices and beliefs that people tend to conform with, thus uniting them. Also, supporting proposal is the ‘collective conscience’ proposed by Durkheim. Secondly, religion has been the greatest element of unity all over the world. As Bloom said, â€Å"Just about everyone in this country (United States of America) believes in God† (Bloom). There are certain concepts in religion that are universal, irrespective of one’s denomination. For example, almost all religious people believe in a supernatural being, angels and /or the devil, as well as an afterlife. Such common beliefs act as a unifying factor in the society. As such religious people often tend to view themselves as one community of believers, unified by their common religi ous teachings. Unity is a paramount aspect in every society, especially since people are of different ethnic groups or cultural values. There is a need in such societies to have a common feature that unites multicultural groups, and religion fills that gap. Furthermore, religion is fundamental in the identification, awareness, and respect for other cultures that are different from one’s culture. Through religion, one can learn about other cultures, including their language, foods and clothing as well as their cultural

Friday, October 18, 2019

Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Concepts - Essay Example According to Office of Government Commerce (2002), Collaboration is the process of sharing tacit knowledge among members in a group they work together in order to accomplish stated goals and objectives (p.95). Collaboration follows strong desire of achieving a particular set of goals. Involving the relevant stakeholders in business and receiving their interests, accepting opinions and running business considering all of their interests have been considered to be the basic activity in the successful organizational culture. Time Warner Company is a good example for collaboration that helped them work across the boundaries. David Straus (2002) finds this concept as fundamental in the success of his business experience. According to him, the power of collaboration comes from inclusion, not exclusion. His experiences of facilitating collaboration taught him the fundamental principle as involving the relevant stakeholders (p. 39). Shared Mindset represents the extent to which employees within an organization have a common focus or agenda. Shared Mindset helps employees to have commitment to how to work together to achieve goals and employer to set an agenda and to ensure that it translates to employee behavior (RS Schuler, 2007, p. 132). Shared Mindset is a broad concept in the way that mindset needs to be shared both inside and outside the organization. It can be applied in both micro and macro levels. According to David Ulrich (1997), a fully shared mindset occurs when employees inside and customers or suppliers outside the organization embrace similar automatic thought about the process and structure of the organization (p. 171). Shared mindset leads to increased business performance because employees are focused. Shared Mindset concept In order to apply shared mindset effectively, managers need to focus on informational and behavioral patterns. Harley Davidson is an illuminating example for

Strategic Management - McInerney Holdings Essay

Strategic Management - McInerney Holdings - Essay Example The issue was oversubscribed 11 times. It is in this context that the faith of the stakeholder need be respected. It calls for proper stakeholder management. UK housing and construction market saw the phase of a big collapse in 1989, subsequently the company underwent a major restructuring, following which, the company is now known as McInerney Holdings plc. McInerney Holdings plc is listed on the Dublin and London Stock Exchanges with a total of 33,160,571 listed shares as on 31st December 2005 with stakeholders ranging from Banks and trusties to the general public. Besides this the employees, related companies, suppliers etc. too are also happen to be the stakeholders in the company as their interest too is in some way linked to the well being of the company. The impact of different people and groupings determine the direction of the company. Larger corporations, Banks, etc in particular play a significant role in chalking out the strategy for the company. These very groups require special attention in stakeholder management. There are of course needs of their direct owners, various other groups, like employees, public interest groups like environmental organizations, strategic partners, journalists or public monitoring bodies. Bank of Ireland Asset Management is the biggest stakeholder in the company with 10.51% of shares. Other sign ificant shareholders being Barry O'Connor, Bri Tel Fund Trustees Limited, Norwich Union Life Insurance Irl Ltd., Quinn Direct Insurance Ltd, Standard Life Investments, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co, Irish Life Investment Managers etc. The businesses operate within a complex system of interests and influences. While identifying the stakeholders the company must look beyond the formal structure of the organization. Therefore it is required to have a look at informal and indirect relationships too. The company management has to make a balancing assessment and evaluate all such external forces in order to adjust them with company's objectives. While taking crucial corporate decisions, it is necessary to know about the expectations of different stakeholders and to determine the extent to which they could and would exert their influence. Johnson & Scholes define stakeholder as, "Stakeholders are groups or individuals who have a stake in, or expectation of, the organisation's performance." Stakeholders all have power, someone has a formal power invested in a position of authority or it could be the social power of being able to persuade others to support or oppose the policies of the company. People with higher power could be the company's most useful supporters or most dangerous opponents, depending upon the prevailing dynamics. In case of McInerney Holdings plc we can do the power analysis to help us in prioritising our focus on stakeholders. To start with a comprehensive listing of stakeholders is prepared as the starting point for stakeholder mapping and analysis; Fig: Power-Interest Matrix in case of McInerney Holdings plc High Power Low Low Level of Interest High As is apparent from the above matrix the key players include Shareholders (small/ individual): He is more interested in having the higher rates of dividends or better price of its share in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Assignment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Assignment - Case Study Example Therefore, the buyers have a reasonable influence on the prices that Movie Rental Industry sets for its rental movies, though not wholesomely. The bargaining power of suppliers in the rental movie industry is high, since it is the content providers, the networking companies and the distribution studios that regulate the prices that movie rental industry pays for the supply of the rental movies (Patton, 142). Therefore, considering the fact that the movie DVD format are continuously getting out of fashion while the digital hiring of movies is becoming the common trend in the modern world, movie rental industry is completely vulnerable to the distribution studios terms and conditions, since the studios hold the copyright privileges and may rent or withdraw the rights at will (Patton, 42). This leaves movie rental industry without much say regarding what price to pay for whatever content is offered. Internal competitive rivalry for movie rental industry is low, because the niche market operated by movie rental industry has the theater as the other main competitor, meaning that the internal competitive rivalry is low (Patton, 140). However, outside of the niche market, the competitive forces might be high, owing to the fact that there are many other operators in the wider entertainment industry, especially the theater locations for live performances. Thus, while the movie rental industry is a growing industry where competition is set to be high in the coming days, the niche market of digital rental movies is currently not very crowded, making the internal niche market competition low. While the entry into the rental movie market is not very restricted, the cost of attaining the digital distribution license is high, thus making it relatively difficult for many similar entities offering the same product to enter and thus offer a low-medium threat to the movie rental industry services (Patton, 143). Additionally, the digital distribution of

Understanding School Business Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words - 1

Understanding School Business Management - Essay Example ate motivation and desire to work; and (6) exhibiting strong conformity to abide by policies, procedures, standards, and codes of conduct (CPD Framework, n.d.). However, there apparently were areas of improvement in the following facets: (1) responding and reacting to unexpected behavior; (2) resolving conflicts and challenging problems; and (3) taking into account the need to provide feedback to assist in improving work-related concerns. After undertaking the learning styles diagnostic, the results revealed that I exhibit the accommodating style, consistent with Kolb’s learning theory (Honey & Mumford, 2006). Said style is a collaboration of two preferred styles, concrete experience (CE) and active experimentation (AE). As described, â€Å"the accommodating learning style is hands-on, and relies on intuition rather than logic. These people use other peoples analysis, and prefer to take a practical, experiential approach. They are attracted to new challenges and experiences, and to carrying out plans† (Honey & Mumford, 2006, p. 1). Results of the suitable time management diagnostic assessment revealed that I am a competent time manager (Business Training Works, Inc., 2015). I am aware of schedules and abide by complying with reports on time. Likewise, I am also cognizant of the tasks and responsibilities of others and try to adapt to their schedules when seeking assistance or accommodations. I am a disciplined person who needs little supervision, Moreover, I rarely procastinate and know how to prioritize tasks according to urgency and relevance. I also rarely miss deadlines and I anticipate the needs to aptly prepare for undertaking endeavors. Concurrently, there are weaknesses in terms of evaluating time spent on addressing crises, conflicts, and challenges. From the diagnostic tools on managing self and personal skills, learning styles, and time management, it was evident that I possess the following strengths: (1) competence in time management, (2)

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Assignment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Assignment - Case Study Example Therefore, the buyers have a reasonable influence on the prices that Movie Rental Industry sets for its rental movies, though not wholesomely. The bargaining power of suppliers in the rental movie industry is high, since it is the content providers, the networking companies and the distribution studios that regulate the prices that movie rental industry pays for the supply of the rental movies (Patton, 142). Therefore, considering the fact that the movie DVD format are continuously getting out of fashion while the digital hiring of movies is becoming the common trend in the modern world, movie rental industry is completely vulnerable to the distribution studios terms and conditions, since the studios hold the copyright privileges and may rent or withdraw the rights at will (Patton, 42). This leaves movie rental industry without much say regarding what price to pay for whatever content is offered. Internal competitive rivalry for movie rental industry is low, because the niche market operated by movie rental industry has the theater as the other main competitor, meaning that the internal competitive rivalry is low (Patton, 140). However, outside of the niche market, the competitive forces might be high, owing to the fact that there are many other operators in the wider entertainment industry, especially the theater locations for live performances. Thus, while the movie rental industry is a growing industry where competition is set to be high in the coming days, the niche market of digital rental movies is currently not very crowded, making the internal niche market competition low. While the entry into the rental movie market is not very restricted, the cost of attaining the digital distribution license is high, thus making it relatively difficult for many similar entities offering the same product to enter and thus offer a low-medium threat to the movie rental industry services (Patton, 143). Additionally, the digital distribution of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Microeconomics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Microeconomics - Assignment Example However with the reduction of trade barriers in the American market during the 1980’s, the luxury automobile market saw increased competition from European and Japanese automobile makers. In terms of a supply and demand analysis, it is likely that there would be increased variety in the market of luxury automobiles and an overall increase in the supply of vehicles. It stands to reason that there must be a reduction the in price of American luxury automobiles to help increase quantity demanded to meet the new market equilibrium or improvements must be made to reduce the costs of manufacturing vehicles so that company profits can remain the same with a lower unit volume sale. The same kind of situation has occurred in Europe, with an over-supply of vehicles. In Europe, the market appears to be flooded with automobiles now. The supply is high. In order to compete in this crowded market, companies will have to reduce their prices. Demand simply does not match the supply, therefore prices must be lowered. Europe has almost 300 car and engine plants, according to the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (known as ACEA). Their collective capacity is thought to be about 27 million vehicles a year. Sales of new cars last year were just under 16 million and are expected to fall to as low as 14.5 million this year, according to Ford. The capacity was established when demand was high, before the recession. Because car manufacturing is so capital intensive it is harder than other industries to be flexible to economic downturns. Manufacturers are therefore more vulnerable. They will make cars based on information from a year earlier and scale up their factories to do so, when it turns out demand is not as high as they thought it was because people are scaling back their spending on things like cars, they will produce an over-supply. They will then

Monday, October 14, 2019

Analysis on John Locke’s Prose Approach Essay Example for Free

Analysis on John Locke’s Prose Approach Essay John Locke’s politically inclined state of establishing the innate sense of liberalism in his work is a manifestation of his political theories as well as with his deliberative arguments on certain instances that belie the natural and rational premises landscaping the governmental realm of ethical obligation as vanguard in illustrating the various interpretations reputable laws. Locke’s character in prose has dignified his capability to distinguish the form of biases which coherently occur in most obscure pieces in the world of literature (Locke, 1994). Moreover, such is evident that his contributory echelon on political philosophy and argumentative statements on ideas which seemed to be true to the eyes of many has been refuted in the most intellectual manner thus substantiating such manifestos in a precise and concise way (Locke Goldie, 1997). Perceivably one of the astounding works of the aforementioned author is Two Treatises of Government, wherein he had been named as a father of modern constitutional state thus creating a masterpiece crediting his worth as a writer and a historian (Forster, 2005). The amazing factor of his work is well delivered in his method in categorizing the ideas which he wishes readers to swim on to thus not making them leave the gist of the whole thought. In the light, he expands his words to a rather conventional type but not too obsolete for that instance, so as not to drive away the enthusiasm of his work the contemporary state (Forster, 2005). His prose, being factual and persuasive at the same time explicitly denote his grandeur and ability to trigger classical concerns yet delivering an association if unorthodox political opinions armed with spontaneous solutions to his established squabbles . The fundamentals surfacing in his works may utterly sound confusing; however, it could then be taken to assumption that such is a ‘tricky’ way to launch a new label in the vortex and competition in prose writing and English mind despotism (Simonds, 1995). References: Forster, G. (2005). John Lockes Politics of Moral Consensus. New York: Cambridge University Press. Locke, J. (1994). Two Treatises of Government. United Kingdom: Salem Press, Inc. Locke, J. , and Goldie, M. (1997). Locke: Political Essays. New York: Cambridge University Press. Simonds, R. T. (1995). John Lockes use of classical legal theory. International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 3(4), 424.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Santa Claus By Howard Nemerov English Literature Essay

Santa Claus By Howard Nemerov English Literature Essay In the poem the Santa Claus by Howard Nemerov, the poet who is Mr. Nemeroy has out rightly shows his recent for the Santa Claus, it is noted that Santa Clauses are frequently seen during the Chrismas seasons. This is when they are seen all over the towns giving gifts to children, and in this poem the poet is highly against the activities of the Santa Clauses as he sis really seen during the festive season a period which is seen as a very happy moment in the Christians calendar as the son of God Jesus Christ the savior of the world is born. They arent seen and available during the Easter seasons which is a sad day in the Christians calendar as the only son and savior of the world dies on the cross for the sins of the Christians. This is clearly experienced in the poem Santa Claus by Howard Nemerov, this is when the poet uses figurative language in airing out recent of the Santa Claus figurative language or speech is a form of literary style that describes something through the use of unusual comparisons (Nemerov, 2011). This style is usually used by the poet to make things clearer for the readers, the poet also use figurative speech to make his work interesting, and at the same time increased effects in the piece of work. It should be noted that use of figurative language in any piece of work doesnt literary mean what is implied by the poet or artist. In the poem Santa Claus by Howard Nemerov, Mr. Nemerov, has used several figurative language that has helped him drive his points shim an example in the poem is when he says He teaches the innocent to want, thus keeps Our fat world rolling. This is an action that clearly indicates that he doesnt like the Santa clause, which to my own thinking I believe that this line in the poem says that the Santa Claus comes into the world during the Christmas season with the aim of giving gifts to the children and people. The Santa Claus will ultimately make the people to share there presents during the Christmas festive season instead of spreading these gifts through out the year especially during Easter seasons at a time when the savior is crucified for the sins of the Christians. The poem Santa Claus by Howard Nemerov, the poet has used a various numbers of figurative languages in his attempt to show his recent to the Santa Claus as in the line in the poem The merest soupcon, of brimstone and the pit. In this line the poet is emphasizing on the problems that are encountered when the Santa Claus is performing his duties. In the poem the poet indicates that the Santa Claus is giving out small gifts especially to children in the pretence of sharing their joy with them during this festive season but as a result of this the children will only be blinded by the kinds of presents they receive from the Santa Claus. Its from this statement that the poet ventured into the different ways that the Santa Claus use to bring the children into sharing and giving out of gifts (Nemerov, 2011). He has major criticized the quantity and quality of the gifts that are given out to the children. Figure of speech is also used in the poem is the At Easter, hes anonymous again, Just one of the crowd lunching on Calvary. This is where the poet in hyperbolized the Santa Claus, at this point the poet associates the Santa Claus to be a person who isnt very keen on following the ways of the savior, in that they disappear during the time when the son of God is crucified and they dont spread the peace in the society that they live in through out. Therefore these kind of people are only linked with the spreading and sharing of joy to the people at the time of birth of the messiah. On the day of his crucifixion a time in which the Christians are supposed to spread love and share gifts and from the word anonymous as in the poem it clearly indicates that thee Santa Claus doesnt appear any where close to the messiah in order to share the love at this sad moments. The poet has also used allegory figurative language in his work as in the following sentence His prescribed costume, White flannel beard, red belly of cotton waste. Conceals the thinness of essential hunger this figurative style states that everything that is inside represents another thing that is outside. This is when the poet artistically satirizes the costumes of the Santa Claus by stating that the clothes that are worn by the are very huge and massive thus used to show that the Santa Claus is a very big and old person but in real sense the person that is wearing the cloth is a young person and in the process the individual will use that as an opportunity to make the children believe in his principles. Yet they cant be able to be able to sustain the doctrines of there practice through out the year. Symbolism has been used in the poem when the poet criticized the Santa Claus by failing to share there good deeds in times when the children needed to share and spread love this is when he states (Nemerov, 2011). This annual savior of the economy Speaks in the parables of the dollar sign, this is a form in which the poet criticized the ways in which the Santa Claus asked the children to share with there friend only during the Christmas holidays while they dont practice it through out the year. Symbolism is used in the poem, were as symbolism means something that stand for something else, in the poem the poet has à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦when the Child is born To suffer for the world, suffer the world, the poet has used the child in that point to indicate that the Santa Claus is always seen on the Chrismas times a time when the child which represents Jesus Christ, therefore making it easy to understand the concept of the poet. Allusion is another figurative language that is used in the poem as it refers to a person theme place or event in history or current culture, in the poem Santa Claus by Howard Nemerov, the theme and setting of the poem is during the Chrismas season, this is a time when the Santa Claus are mostly in the streets and they tend to offer the children with surprise gifts during the Chrismas season. In conclusion the poet of this poem Santa Claus by Howard Nemerov has showed a negative feeling towards the Santa Claus this can be expressed by the tone that the poet has used an example is when he uses the harsh tone of describing the name of the Santa class as a thing that gives out a stench as in the line (Nemerov, 2011). His name itself is corrupted, and even Saint Nicholas, in his turn, Gives off a faint and reminiscent stench this is an a harsh tone that makes the reader experience the recent the poet has for the Santa Claus.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Personal Narrative- Life as a Journey Essay example -- Personal Narrat

Personal Narrative- Life as a Journey The journey of life follows a predetermined pattern; we evolve from needing influence and guidance to finally reaching that point where our lives are up to us. I consider myself very lucky up to this point in my journey. Some people become sidetracked and wind up on a far different course than initially planned, but the detours I made have only assisted in embellishing the individual instead of devouring it. According to Freud a person's most important period to grow personality ranges from birth to six years. In that span my biggest influences came from my family. When I think of that time before kindergarten, the single most important person to my development was my grandmother Carmen. She didn't graduate from college or sell wheat futures in the stock market, but she had wisdom and tenderness so few possess. My parents worked, so each morning my mother would drop me off at Grandma's house. I didn't realize it then but in retrospect, this woman has led a remarkable. She birthed three sons all by Caesarian section, lost a husband in middle age, and then all but raised a grandson for half a decade. She taught me how to walk and gave me my first piano lessons. She remains close to all her grandchildren yet her and I both know she holds a special place for the first one. When I began school, friends began to shape path for this journey. In the beginning we hardly know these classmates. Common interests and experiences bond or repel certain people to others. I didn't understand what friendship meant until August 16, 1997 though. That morning, I fell asleep at the wheel of my car and ran into two utility poles and a tree while going 40 miles per hour. An ambulance rushed me to Memorial... ...will become the ultimate test between temptation and my inner-strength and the morals I have placed for my own behavior. Possibly the biggest choice of any person's life remains what vocation to go into. Even areas people have skills in may not give enough satisfaction to turn into a career, whether that satisfaction stays financial or otherwise. Whatever occupation I choose, I sincerely hope that the trek will remain on its uncertain and awesome course. Throughout this journey of life many outside forces manipulate whom all of us become. Who created my personal connotation? Through every relative, friend, and composition it boils down to me. I have taken all these beliefs and crammed them into a 6 feet, 2 inch frame. The real journey lays ahead, the journey from young adulthood to old age. I only pray this journey includes many travels and few destinations.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Analysis of Robert Frost’s “An Old Man’s Winter Night” Essay

What is the goal in a poem? Why do writers write? Most poems are an attempt to pass on a message, to give a moral, or in any case, to communicate in one way or another. An example of a writer doing this in a poem may be seen in An Old Man’s Winter Night, by Robert Frost. Robert Frost (1874-1963) wrote An Old Man’s Winter Night, perhaps his most well conceived work and published it in the book ‘Mountain Interval’, released in 1920 as a fine peak to his career. The poem tells the story of the last night before an old man’s death. This man is portrayed as being lonely, and without meaning to anyone except for himself. The old man seems to realize this in a certain point in the poem, and decides that he no longer wants to live. He then goes to sleep, however soon after he is disturbed by the shifting of a log. He then shifts, as the log did, and dies seemingly without pain, â€Å"still sleeping† as Frost says. The poem appears to have a message to transmit, which can be unveiled through some close reading. There are several reasons which convince the reader that An Old Man’s Winter Night is memorable, impressive, and effectively passes on a moral. Firstly, the reader is engaged into the scene with no information about the old man, which parallels the old man’s situation, as neither does he know how he has become what he is: â€Å"What kept him from remembering what it was / That brought him to that creaking room was age.† Perhaps this was done to make the reader just as lost as the old man and able to enter more deeply into the old man’s character, thus being able to sympathize better with him. The old man seems to be lacking any interest in a long life and apparently has no real social life. This lack of friends is what draws us to feel for the man who clearly was not cared for in life, either due to a refusal to care for others, or because other unjustly neglected him. The man’s meaningless existence is accentuated by him constantly scaring away what seems to frighten him or makes him uncomfortable. However, the old man seems to be apathetic towards his own state. The fact that he does not even know how he got to be so in the first place adds to this notion, and makes him seem detached from his own situation. Another factor which makes the emptiness more apparent is the â€Å"barrels round him†. One may wonder: â€Å"What is in these barrels?† As Frost does not tell us what they are, we may assume that they are empty barrels, much like the life of the man. Another factor  which adds to the void of the man’s life is that the author uses possessive adjectives showing that the snow on the roof is â€Å"his† and that the icicles hanging along the wall are â€Å"his†. The reader may assume that there must be an enormous lack of subsistence to the man’s life for Frost to tell us that these completely insignificant matters are possessed by him. Overall, the reader pities the old man for his seemingly lonely, purportless, and depressing existence. Secondly, in An Old Man’s Winter Night, Frost has artistically created metaphors with light which are overflowing with meanings that can easily be missed and yet help in drawing the poem together with a sense of cohesion. â€Å"What kept his eyes from giving back the gaze / Was the lamp tilted near them in his hand.† This helps one to understand the way the man is feeling, albeit it in a minor way and in turn aids one in working out what he is doing. He is not sitting idly, but has a lamp, therefore is not trying to sleep. We are not instructed further as to what he is attempting to do but it clearly requires thought. He cannot cope with this mental surge as his age has drawn senility, â€Å"What kept him from remembering what it was / That brought him to that creaking room was age.† Frost tells us early in the poem that he was light â€Å"to no one but himself.† This informs us that he is the only one that is in touch with himself and his existence. This light he is to himself and the light he holds in his hand work together to make his isolation even more apparent, because the light that he holds is making him unable to see the outside. For him to be able to see outside he could simply have tilted the light towards the window, yet, one may understand that this metaphor shows that he is either unwilling to open up to others, or is afraid of what he may then see. He may have been intimidated by the out of doors which â€Å"looked darkly in at him†. This continues with the idea that he was only a light to himself because in tilting the light towards himself, he sees his reflection in the window rather than what may have been beyond the window. However, had he illuminated them so that he could see outside, they would no longer be darkly looking in at him. Frost then writes: â€Å"A quiet light, and then not even that.† One may speculate from this line that Frost is telling us that even the old man has lost touch with himself, and no longer cares about his own existence. Frost may possibly be calling our  attention to this line with the eye-rhyme between â€Å"what† and â€Å"that†. In the next few lines, the old man dies: â€Å"The log that shifted with a jolt / Once in the stove, disturbed him and he shifted, / And eased his heavy breathing, but still slept.† Perhaps the log shifting, breaking, and going out represented his light permanently going out as well. This link may be made with the repetition of the word â€Å"shifted†; the log shifts, and then the man shifts. In these lines there is also alliteration with the words â€Å"still slept†. Frost may have been drawing our attention to this to be sure that the death of the old man would have a strong impact on the reader. These lines are impressive and effective at expressing the death of the old man, and leave the reader feeling sorry for him. Thirdly, one may appreciate how clear the final moral is of the poem. â€Å"One aged man — one man — can’t keep a house, / A farm, a countryside, or if he can, / It’s thus he does it of a winter night.† Frost generalizes the situation, by broadening â€Å"one aged man† to â€Å"one man†. He resumes the whole story, giving the reader a clear moral at the end, identifiable to all thanks to the generalization. One may believe that, ultimately, Frost is trying to show one how not to end up, and how not to die, but offers no insight as to the better way of ending the spell one spends on Earth. Perhaps he is telling us to make sure that we do not end up like this man, and that we should â€Å"tilt the light† towards others instead of ourselves, and therefore to be in touch with others. Furthermore, it is telling us that if we do not open up towards others, and if we stay inside our own shell, with our icicles on the walls and our snow on top, isolating us from the outside world, that we shall end up in solitude and be a light to no one but ourselves, just like the old man. It may be out of context to wonder if this poem relates to the poet in any way, but it does seem rather in depth for any imagination. However, as Robert Frost was not a particularly lonely man, perhaps he was expressing a great fear of his brought forth by an incident in his surroundings. As one may now see, there are several aspects of the poem which make An Old Man’s Winter Night memorable and effective in transmitting the author’s message. These aspects are: the reader is engaged into the scene with no  information about the old man; metaphors which Frost has made with light are overflowing with many meanings; one may appreciate how clear the poem is fairly clear thanks to the generalization and how the whole of the poem thoroughly contributes to the moral. This poem transmits its idea superbly and majestically making its goal of communication accomplished.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Walmart Essay

Alex Manco Professor McEachern English 112 30 September 2011 To the Zoning Board of Trumbull, The Wal-Mart The modern day market has taken some interesting turns with innovations such as the television, the car, and internet. While the moral values of such turns has always been in question, it is no question that every major corporation has taken efficiency to a new level. Corporations like McDonalds, GE, and Bank of America have completely dominated the market with not only their vast resources and effective marketing systems, but by people simply knowing they exist.While most of these businesses have not gotten much more powerful in past decade due to government regulation of competition, there is one business that continues to grow at a dangerous rate: Wal-Mart. It has now become apparent that its growth has reached Trumbull, Connecticut and in no way should a Wal-Mart be built in our community. It is not even a matter of the problems our town would face as much as it is a moral w rong to the world as a whole. Wal-Mart may be â€Å"legal† in our â€Å"free-market† economy, but economics are never that simple and must be treated very carefully.It would not only ruin businesses in the area, but exercise the power of corporations whose business tactics seem unstoppable to modern regulation. The Wal-Mart is not only store, but an inevitable business tactic that will decimate the economy in both the short and long term. Wal-Mart’s rise to power is interesting and uncomforting in how quickly it flourished. The first store was opened in 1962 by Sam Walton in Rogers, Arkansas. By 1970, there were 38 stores, and by 1975, there were 125. In 1983, Wal-Mart had made its eighth year in a row as Forbes Magazine’s 1# retailer.In 1985, 882 stores had already been built, and in the next 10 years would reach a stunning 1,995 stores. Currently, there are 8,970 Wal-Marts; an average of 50 a state, and this number continues to grow. The story of Wal-Ma rt is truly nothing short of business success story, but the speed of its success is slightly unnerving. So what do you think would be the result of building this Wal-Mart in town? I suppose it would open maybe around 60 jobs tops in town, but a majority of the jobs would be minimum wage jobs.Raising the employment rate of your town has nothing to do with the actual quality of the town, and that’s saying that all the people hired come from our town. Also, studies have shown that Wal-Mart generally pay their employees 25-28% less than other retail/grocery stores (Dube, Lester & Eidlin 559). Maybe teenagers will have a bit more money, but the jobs that Wal-Mart creates have little impact on the flow of money. In fact, building a Wal-Mart would only hurt the flow of money in our town. All of the surrounding businesses will not be able to compete. Retail prices typically drop by 1 to 1. % the moment a Wal-Mart opens (Dube, Lester & Eidlin 562). Local grocery stores like Poricelli ’s and Plasko’s can not be expected to compete with a business of such power. If small businesses fall to this Wal-Mart, then the unemployment rate will probably just about balance out with jobs your Wal-Mart will have created. This will destroy the peaceful, small town feel of Trumbull, and replace it with room for corporate siege. Our town would be quite different if we allowed this, but it would also support an economic movement that could tear our economy apart.One thing that must be understood in order to understand the entire threat of Wal-Mart is the causes and effects of a monopoly. The definition of a monopoly by the Merriam-Webster dictionary is, â€Å"Exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action. † Monopolies can be held upon anything, but typically the term refers to a corporations hold on one particular industry. This was more of a problem preceding the great depression. Old corporations such as Standard Oil, U . S.Steel, and at the time GE held what is called a coercive monopoly, which is an absolute hold that can for the most part, can not be beaten without government intervention. These old corporations would dominate by not only controlling their market, but the markets of the related goods and means of production. For example, U. S. Steel would have powerful holds in the railroads so that they may transport there steel to cities free of charge. With such control, the industries were free of competition being that they had the means to set the standard for prices.Some would argue that this is good for an economy because it keeps prices at an all time low, but this typically lowers the quality of the goods they are selling as well as maintain low wages for workers being there very few places of work when one company controls it all. Nowadays, the government has precautions to prevent such dominating businessmen, but the economic order that is currently in place of the monopoly system, i s not all that better. The type of economic system the U. S. currently has is called a monopolistic competition. In order for the U.S. government to deal with monopolies, they had made it illegal to hold such power in one business. Businesses, such as standard oil, were forced to break up into many different businesses so that they may compete with each other. This keeps the market ever changing and not stagnant, allowing for more free choice in a capitalist economy. Now even though there is no â€Å"super power† of the market, there still are businesses that are significantly more powerful forces than others. This is what defines our monopolistic competition of our economy.It is an economy generally guided by larger corporations, but are not so powerful that they snuff out any smaller business below them. So while we have been able to make the â€Å"free market† as â€Å"free† as possible, there is still very much so a hierarchy. Wal-Mart sells everything cheap er than everyone. It has a hold not only over one market, but many. Therefore if factors are left unchanged, Wal-Mart would win the game of capitalism. These factors, as of now, are unchanged. First, Wal-Mart simply needs to be everywhere. With 50 Wal-Marts a state and growing, that goal has clearly been reached.Their numbers are only increasing, this way in the future, anyone can reach a Wal-Mart. This also keeps their employment up. The more jobs they give out, the more control of the standard of wages they have. It also is good for publicity. Second, they need to maintain their influence on the media, other businesses, and government. Commercials and internet make keeping up appearances in media more than easy. Same with other businesses being that they need only to market their products. Government though is trickier, but they exercised this strength of theirs fairly recently.Since 1998, a campaign of women has been trying to sue Wal-Mart for wrongful discrimination. More than 1 00 women have been trying to attack the corporation for many individual accounts of discrimination and finally made it to the Supreme Court in June 2011. Unfortunately, the court ruled in favor of Wal-Mart due to that these individual accounts have nothing to do with the corporation as a whole. This ruling shows that corporations are not held in contempt for the acts of their employees, which makes little to no sense.While this does not quite mean Wal-Mart is above the law, it still shows the type of influence they can hold in the law if need be. Although, even with this power, they can not hold absolute market control unless they maintain the lack of competition. Luckily, Wal-Mart still has competition, especially with those who find shopping their morally wrong, but this lack of competition may soon be at hand. The current debt crisis is continuing out of control, and nobody knows where it is quite going yet, but the outcome that is feared more is a depression.With a depression, m any businesses, big and small, will fall and the economy will be an empty husk. The only people who will seem unscathed in the mist of this chaos are the massive businesses, or Wal-Mart. They will have the resources to conquer an economy that has been wiped clean. Therefore, if there were on in Trumbull during such harsh times, it would be near impossible to open any new business in the area. Without new businesses, an economy is very hard to rebuild, especially on a local level.More importantly, in a time a crises, one of the last things you want is for a majority of the wealth to go to one place as history demonstrates. Having such an economic power exist in such fragile times is perhaps the most danger we have been in for decades. As you can see, it is not very difficult for Wal-Mart to become dangerous, but what does this contrast? Why it contrasts the support for small business. Small businesses create a self sustaining system for the area, rather than an area’s income b eing controlled by corporate conglomerates.The only problem with this is the system of economics. If a small business is successful, it is inevitable it becomes a big business, which could lead to another company to big for our own good. This is a cycle that must happen as a result of capitalism. If we are expected to have such a free moving economic system, we must learn to be responsible with our economy, and not allow businesses, such as Wal-Mart, to spread as rapidly as they do. This is a lesson that will be learned the hard way if a Wal-Mart is built. Wal-Mart is the product of a capitalist economy. While it is simply good usiness, is an example of the inevitability of monopolies in a free market system. Thankfully, we have regulations to hold them back, but you can not count on the government to control the market for you. People need to see this pattern and realize that you can not fall into the lock step of a consumer. Every Wal-Mart that is built just increases the risk of economic domination, and we can not contribute to this. It may be small in scale to the power they already hold, but every movement starts with a step. I hope you see the risk you take in considering this decision. Work CitedAndrew Beatie. â€Å"A History of US Monopolies. † Investopedia. November 21, 2010. http://www. investopedia. com/articles/economics/08/hammer-antitrust. asp Lila Shapiro. â€Å"Walmart: Too Big To Sue. † The Huffington Post. June 20, 2011. http://www. huffingtonpost. com/2011/06/20/walmart-too-big-to-sue_n_880930. html â€Å"History Timeline† Walmart Stores. http://walmartstores. com/aboutus/7603. aspx John D. Ramage, John C. Bean, and June Johnson. Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric With Readings. â€Å"Monopolistic Competition† Basic Economics. http://www. basiceconomics. info/monopolistic-competition. php